Some scientific basics about AAC
CSH phases
Calcium Silicate Hydrates are spoken of as CSH phases. There exist a lot of CSH minerals. The binding components in steam cured building materials are also CSH phases. Almost all of this artificial CSH phases occur as minerals too. It is typical for CSH minerals to be found in the crust where hydro thermal conditions have been established during formation of stone. Many CSH minerals are very rare. The following diagrams with CaO, SiO2 und H2O in ternary plots may give an impression of diversity of CSH phases.
Survey to technical CSH phases
Chemical and mineralogical components of AAC
AAC consists out of air mainly. Almost all the pore volume of AAC is filled with air. The solid materials skeleton only makes up between 15 and 30 vol.-%.
The chemical reactions during formation of AAC, Starting with raw materials in the slurry mixture, are rather complex.
Development of phase composition during AAC processing
Porosity in AAC
In AAC it is easy to distinguish two groups of pore size. The artificial air pores, with diameters around 1 mm, also called macro pores, can be seen by naked eye. The pores contained in the solid skeleton are much more smaller. These are called micro pores in case of AAC. They are in size from some nanometres up to around 100 micrometres in pore diametres.
The author has published different papers, some on his own others with colleagues. A list of these papers can be found in the pdf-file: List of papers from the author.
Helpers on calculations which can be useful to engineers in the field of aircrete:
Calculations for experts with aircrete
Some often used units with conversion calculator:
Conversion of units