AAC, an industrial product
About the material aircrete (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete, AAC)
The different names for this material, aircrete, AAC or even autoclaved cellular concrete (ACC) say some specific things about the material but there are only few people who know really what it is. Despite the name it is not very similar to an ordinary concrete.
What kind of material is aircrete? And how to make it.
Production technologies
There exist some different types of technical solutions to produce aircrete in industrial scale. Two of them are shown here.
The most common way to produce aircrete.
Another common way to produce AAC blocks and slabs.
Products and application of aircrete
Construction with aircrete is done in residential building as well as in industrial.
Available aircrete products and what they can be used for.
Helpers on calculations which can be useful to engineers in the field of aircrete:
Calculations for experts with aircrete
Some often used units with conversion calculator:
Conversion of units